East Lothian

On behalf of Goldcrest Communities and Richmond Bupa, Jewitt and Wilkie are proposing a continuing care retirement community in North Berwick specifically for over 55’s, with provision of a greater variety of lifestyle and care choices across all tenures. Acutely aware of our ageing population, the project encompasses the principle of supporting older people to be as independent as possible, living within their own homes and reducing reliance on the Local Authority and NHS in physical and financial terms.

The development comprises 152 no. varying needs apartments positioned within an active greenspace around a village centre, housing restaurant, bar, recreation and activity, wellbeing spa, salon and ancillary accommodation as well as a 60 bed care home including specialist dementia wing. The development will be Bupa Richmond’s first of its kind in Scotland and will potentially serve to establish a planning policy framework for this housing type, whilst convincing the care industry that high quality multi tenure residential care for an ageing population can be achieved.